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Triple Threat wins in Asheville

Triple Threat wins in Asheville

The Competition Teams of Triple Threat Performing Arts Academy in Sylva traveled to Asheville recently to compete in the regional event for Inspire Dance Competition.

Eight group routines, one trio, and 17 soloists competed, and brought home platinum elite, platinum, and high gold awards, several placing in the top 5 of their categories. Several groups and solos earned specialty awards including, Most Captivating, Best of Broadway, Showmanship, Precision, and People’s Choice Awards. Additionally, Triple Threat Performing Arts Academy earned the Spirit Award and several students earned $500 scholarships to dance at nationals.

Front row, left to right: Zoe Walkingstick, Mary Cooper Claire Spilliards, Zoey Glenn, (second row): Lindley Wyatt, Gracie Ruebel, Polly Tissue, Autumn Colton, Makaula Lambert, Caroline Spilliards, Sam Hudson, Lily Luopa, Olive Graham (back row): Grace Chasten, Delaney Wildcatt, Evelyn Rowan, Natalie Stuckey, Kendra Hall, Tayla Holt, Diana Keown, Abby McLeod, Reese Williamson and Haven Bryant.