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Franklin mayor runs unopposed

Franklin mayor runs unopposed

Bob Scott is seeking his third term as mayor of Franklin, and it’s his second time running unopposed for the job.

Scott sat on the town council for 10 years before deciding to run for mayor. During his first mayoral race, he said he’d be a one-term mayor, but he didn’t realize the mayor only serves two-year terms while councilmembers serve four-year terms. Scott said he has much to be proud of during his first two terms.

“One I am very proud of is changing the name of the town board from Board of Aldermen to Town Council. Aldermen is a tired, worn out term that basically means ‘old men.’ I have worked to give women a greater say and role in town government,” he said.

Open government is also a cornerstone of Scott’s tenure. He’s worked hard to have more discussion at board meetings and also allowing the public to have a forum to voice concerns.

“I am also proud that we have had no closed meetings in my last two years as mayor. I strongly support the public’s right to know what we are doing, and the Open Meetings and Public Records Laws,” he said. “I believe that in the past four years we have made great strides in changing the way we do business, to be more customer oriented and transparent.”

For his third term, Scott said he wants to continue to make Franklin “family friendly” and open to all.

“I plan to continue working with the Town Council and our town employees to improve the town's infrastructure and beautification projects for our residents,” he said. “I want people to know that I am accessible and open to any ideas and concerns our residents and visitors may have.”