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Archived Arts & Entertainment

Basket classes offered by Dogwood Crafters

Basket classes will be taught by Dogwood Craft members at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 13, at Applegate Inn in Dillsboro.

Sharon Crosby will be teaching a jelly basket, which can be used for two jelly jars. Cost will be $20, including supplies.

Donna Pollock will be teaching how to make a small tote basket with shaker handles and a fabric liner. It can be used for a purse, lunch basket or just stuff. Cost will be $22.50 including supplies. Materials to bring are clothespins, work scissors, a pencil and old towels.

Joyce Lantz will teach the timeless technique of coiled basketry using natural materials, including a walnut slice that is the basket center. Learn the basics as well as varying stitches and expect to complete a small basket in four to five hours with a mid-day break. Cost of $32 includes all materials.

To register, call 828.586.2248.