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Archived Opinion

Eichenbaum’s flip-flops can’t be ignored

To the Editor:

In response to Dr. Dan Eichenbaum’s announcement that he is running for Congress again in the 11th Congressional District, it is my duty to inform the voters of a few facts that make him unelectable.

First, every candidate in the 2010 primary made the same promise to support the eventual nominee. All four other men kept their promise; but Dr. Eichenbaum never did endorse or support Jeff Miller.

As Jeff Miller said: “Dr. Eichenbaum failed this most basic test of honor and commitment to the voters.”

Second, Dr. Eichenbaum flip-flopped on both abortion and drugs during the primary.

His original abortion position on his website was, “Abortion is not a federal issue and is, therefore, more properly one legislated by the states and their citizens.” But four months in to the campaign it became: “Technically, abortion is not a federal issue for constitutional reasons. I do not, however, agree that it should be legislated by the states and their citizens.”

On drugs, his original position was that the “War on Drugs’ should be ended” and that only “the sale of potentially harmful chemicals to minors should be a criminal offense.” Later this position also pivoted.

The flip-flops on abortion and drugs are not surprising as he only switched his affiliation from Libertarian to Republican six months before the filing deadline.

Robert Danos,

Former spokesman for the 11th District NCGOP