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Archived Outdoors

Adopt-a-Stream Volunteers needed in Haywood

Haywood Waterways is looking for individuals and groups to adopt a section of stream and help remove litter.

Groups are asked to clean their adopted stream section at least once a year and commit to the adopted stream section for at least two years. Each adopted stream receives an Adopt-A-Stream sign free of charge.

Trash can obstruct drains and cause flooding, clog water intake pipes used for industry, and affect recreational uses, such as fishing, swimming and paddling. Much of the trash found in the streams can take hundreds of years to decompose, and some will never disappear. Unless removed, the trash can eventually find its way to the ocean.

“I initially got involved with the stream clean-up program after I hooked a car floor mat while fishing in Richland Creek,” said Mike Gillespie, an Adopt-A-Stream volunteer. “As I fished, I saw so many discarded items that I got some trash bags from my vehicle and did an impromptu stream clean-up then and there.”

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