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Ask Leah! The Ingles Dietitian

Sponsored: Wasted Food — Be a More Conscious Shopper

ingles dietitianOne of the reasons we waste food is that we buy duplicates of items we already have at home or we buy food and then fail to use it before it begins to spoil. 

Before you head to your Ingles Market to do your grocery shopping make sure you:

1. Make a list of what you need to buy based on what you plan to make.

2. Check your refrigerator, pantry and freezer to see what you already have.

3. Stick to your shopping list as much as possible. 

4. Be open to in-store deals, especially on items that can be frozen for future use. 

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5. When you return home make sure you immediately store food appropriately to keep it fresh and food safe. 


Leah McGrath, RDN, LDN

Ingles Markets Corporate Dietitian
