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Ask Leah! The Ingles Dietitian

Sponsored: Making Good Decisions About Food

Sponsored: Making Good Decisions About Food

These days it seems like there's a lot of noise about food. Whether it's coming from your TV or Twitter, from a friend on Facebook or a famous person... how can you make the best decisions about food and what you buy?

Here are 3 tips: 

  Be guided by FACTS, not FEAR. If someone is trying to scare you about food to sell you something else, that should be a "red flag".

• Be a skeptical and smart shopper. The front of the package is for marketing, designed to attract your attention and entice you to buy. For practical and factual information look at the Nutrition Facts Panel and the list of ingredients. 

• Get information from reputable sources. Websites ending in .gov and .org are usually a better place to start than social media. Your medical doctor, local hospital, the FDA, USDA and CDC should provide you with science- based and factual information.

Leah McGrath, RDN, LDN

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