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Ask Leah! The Ingles Dietitian

Sponsored: Making the Most of Meat

Sponsored: Making the Most of Meat

7 ways you can  S T R E T C H  (or SUBSTITUTE for) ground beef or pork:

• Mix it with beans or substitute beans for ground meat. This will add more fiber and protein. (Example: chili)

• Mix it with chopped and cooked mushrooms. This will add fiber. 

• Mix it with soy-based meat alternatives or firm tofu or have vegetarian options instead. This will usually reduce fat and saturated fat and often increase fiber.

• Feature ground meat with roasted vegetables and grains like rice, quinoa or farro in a bowl.

• Combine ground meat with cheese and vegetables in a taco, quesadilla or tortilla.

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• Use ground chicken or turkey instead of beef in dishes like chili, soups or stews or nachos.

• Use fresh, frozen or canned fish instead of beef in dishes like sandwiches, tacos, tortillas or salads.

Leah McGrath, RDN, LDN

Ingles Markets Corporate Dietitian
